Yellow Rocket
Scientific Name: Barbarea vulgaris
Also Known As: Wild Mustard
Weed Family: Brassicaceae


Yellow rocket is a winter annual or biennial. The leaves which are glossy dark green, develop in a rosette. The basal leaf consist of a round terminal lobe with smaller lateral lobes that form opposite on the leaf petiole. The plant can reach heights of 2- to 3-feet, but it can tolerate mowing in a turf situation. The root of yellow rocket consist of a taproot with a fibrous root system. The flower of yellow rocket is yellow in color and appear in the late spring. The flowers form in a cluster at the end of stems, with individual flowers consisting of 4 petals. Yellow rocket spreads by seed. Yellow rocket is mostly found in the eastern portion of the United States, but it can be found throughout most of the United States.

Herbicide Use

Since yellow rocket is a winter annual which germinates in the fall, post-emergence herbicide applications will be most effective at this time. Use a selective post-emergence application timed after germination when plants are young and actively growing.


Germination Dates

Zone-3: SeptemberZone-4: September-OctoberZone-5: September-OctoberZone-6: October-NovemberZone-7: October-NovemberZone-8: NovemberZone-9: November