Hairy beggarticks is usually a warm-season annual. It spreads along the ground by stems that root at nodes. The stems are smooth and can be erect. The leaves initially form on long stalks, but following leaves contain up to nine leaflets. The leaflets can have teeth on their margins.
Hairy beggarticks spreads by seed and by spreading stems when acting as a short-lived perennial. The flower of the hairy beggartick has a yellow center with white rays. Flowers are produced until frost occur. The seeds can attach to clothing and fur on animals. Hairy beggarticks is found from North Carolina to Florida, west to California.
Weed Photos: Courtesy of Dr. Lambert McCarty. Clemson University. Clemson, SC.
Herbicide Use
For optimum control, make your post-emergence herbicide application to hairy beggarticks that is young and actively growing.

Germination Dates