Creeping buttercup is a perennial which has long stolon-like stems. Bulbous buttercup is also a perennial but forms a rosette instead of having runners. Creeping buttercup will often root at nodes along the stems. The leaves are 3 lobed; the middle lobe has a long stalked base. The leaves of bulbous buttercup are more deeply toothed than creeping buttercup. Leaves are dark green and sometimes have light spots. The flowers of both plants are yellow, with 5 shiny petals. The flower of creeping buttercup is larger than bulbous buttercup. Both buttercups reproduce by seed, but only creeping buttercup spreads by runners. Both prefer moist soils and are frequently found in moist meadows, in lawns and along ditchbanks. Both are distributed throughout the northern United States. Related species such as tall buttercup are not found in mowed turf areas.
Weed Photos: Courtesy of Dr. Lambert McCarty. Clemson University. Clemson, SC.
Herbicide Use
To control buttercup, make your herbicide application to plants that are actively growing and in the rosette to flower stage of growth.

Germination Dates

PowerZone® Broadleaf Herbicide
Q4® Plus Turf Herbicide for Grassy & Broadleaf Weeds
SpeedZone® Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf
SpeedZone® Southern Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf
SpeedZone® Southern EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf
Super Trimec® Broadleaf Herbicide
Surge® Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf
Trimec® 992 Broadleaf Herbicide
Trimec® Bentgrass Formula Broadleaf Herbicide
Trimec® Classic Broadleaf Herbicide
Trimec® Encore® Broadleaf Herbicide
Trimec® Southern Broadleaf Herbicide for Sensitive Southern Grasses
TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide for Tough Weeds