Bristly mallow is a creeping perennial with shiny, light green leaves which alternate on the stem. Bristly mallow will root at nodes along the under side of the stems which appear as knobs. The leaves are similar to Venice mallow, but have more lobes on the leaf: six to seven versus three to five on Venice Mallow. The margin of the leaves is toothed. Bristly mallow has a deep strong taproot. The flower of bristly mallow is an orange-red in color and appears in late spring to early summer. The flower is cup shaped and is located in the junction of the stem and leaf. Bristly mallow spreads by seed and by stoloniferous stems. Bristly mallow is found in the lower Piedmont and coastal plain region of the Southeast, from Virginia to Florida. It can also be found in the gulf states west to Texas.
Weed Photos: Courtesy of Dr. Lambert McCarty. Clemson University. Clemson, SC.
Herbicide Use
For optimum control make your post-emergence herbicide application in the late spring when bristly mallow is young and actively growing.

Germination Dates